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Little Chalfont

Primary School

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Design Technology

DT is a hugely popular and well-resourced subject at LCPS. We are fortunate to have a dedicated well-equipped room, lots of materials and a specialist teacher to provide our children with excellent learning opportunities.


In Key Stage One, children are taught to use simple hand tools and processes; over the key stage they develop their skills working with an increasing variety of materials to make their products. They are also introduced to some simple mechanisms. The emphasis is on fun, creativity and exploration, building both confidence and independence while making their 3D working solutions to tasks set. 


In Key Stage Two, children develop their Design Technology capabilities by engaging with the design process in a more explicit way: they have design briefs for each project; undertake research and draw detailed, colourful and annotated design proposals to communicate their ideas. Children by now are used to working confidently with a growing range of materials and can often think in very innovative and flexible ways to produce some wonderfully creative items. 

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6
