At LCPS, we follow the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum for science.
In Early Years, children use their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials. They talk about what they see and explore how things work using an increasingly wide range of scientific vocabulary in order to make sense of the world around them. They understand key features of the life cycle of a plant and an animal, talk about different forces they can feel, discuss the differences between materials and changes they notice and also begin to understand the effects of changing season on the natural world.
In key stage 1 and 2 we are scientists. We provide a high-quality science education, rich in contextual, practical work which allows children develop the foundations for understanding the word and recognise how science has changed our lives. Existing science capital is valued, enriched and developed and our children are encouraged to ask questions and apply their scientific skills and knowledge to investigate, led practical work and find answers.
In March 2021, we began our Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) process auditing our provision, creating action plans and enriching our teaching. This journey is ongoing towards our final submission in March 2022.
In September 2021, we launched a local Enthuse Partnership with support from STEM. As the lead school, we coordinate the development of science across 8 local schools, coordinating CPD, hosting meetings, managing budgets and liaising with external agencies. The schools collaborate over two years finishing the project in the summer 2023.