Snow Days – Information & Procedures
In the deep mid-winter it’s often time for snow! At school, we are aware that the timings of our decisions to close the school are critical for parents and carers, trying to get their children to school and then get to work. Following a heavy overnight snowfall, we always try and take the judgment on school closure as early as possible in the morning. We aim to make this decision early enough for parents/carers to make alternative plans for childcare or, if there is a heavy snow fall during the day, with enough notice as possible for parents/carers or an alternate to pick up. Whatever the time of day, please be assured that the decision to close the school is taken after considering many factors, particularly the health and safety of our children and staff, and is not taken lightly.
Snowfall Overnight
School Closure
Heavy snowfall overnight may result in access to the school being restricted or may stop children, parents/carers and staff from getting to school safely. If these conditions apply, the following steps will be taken:
- The Headteacher will evaluate the prevailing conditions at the school site and in the area.
- Staff will contact the Headteacher as early as possible, but before 7.30am to advise of their capability of getting to work safely.
- If access to the school is regarded as too dangerous or there would be too few staff to teach the children, the Headteacher and Chair of Governors will take the decision to close the school. We aim to make this decision by 7.45am, particularly to assist parents and carers of children attending our Before School Club.
- The Headteacher will then register the school closure with Bucks Schoolsweb ( This information will be posted automatically on the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page ( and trigger contact with Three Counties Radio (94.7/95.5 FM or 103.8/104.5 FM).
- The school will communicate what is happening to parents via email and text message.
- Our school website ( will be updated with information regarding the school closure. Homework sheets may be available for classes so that school work can be completed at home.
Delayed opening
In the event that poor local road conditions result in pupils or staff taking a longer time to arrive at school, the Headteacher and Chair of Governors may decide to open the school later or extend the time for registration so that everyone can get to school safely. If the decision for opening later is agreed, following steps will be taken:
- The Headteacher will register the delayed opening of the school with Bucks Schoolsweb ( This information will be posted automatically on the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page (https// and trigger contact with Three Counties Radio (94.7/95.5 FM or 103.8/104.5 FM).
- The school will communicate what is happening to parents via email and text message.
- Our school website ( will be updated with information regarding the delayed opening.
- The Headteacher will need to assess the number of staff members who have arrived at school by 8.45am. If there is a sufficient number of staff who have been successful in arriving at school, the Headteacher will keep the school open, but continue to reassess the situation throughout the day. If, at any point, it is felt that the children should go home, the school will contact parents and carers via text and/or email of the early closure and request collection of the children.
- The school may also contact the Parent Class Reps who will use the class telephone trees to alert everyone about the early closure and to collect or arrange pick up of their child(ren).
- Parents will also be emailed by the school. The school status will be updated on our own website (
- If the school is not forced to close, then normal pick up and collection arrangements will apply at 3:15pm all pupils.
Heavy Snowfall at Rush Hour
If there is heavy snowfall during the rush hour period when pupils, parents/carers and staff are travelling to school, and teachers have registered their delayed arrival with the school, then the following procedures will be followed:
- The Headteacher and the Chair of Governors may decide to close the school or delay opening, in which case the respective procedures given above will apply.
- If it is decided that the school will open, it will be left to the best judgement of parents and carers to decide for themselves if it is safe for them and their child(ren) to attempt to make the journey to school, even if it means a late arrival.
- If pupils have already been dropped off by parents, they must report to the school where they will be safely supervised.
Snowfall during the School Day
In the event of a heavy snowfall and/or there is a significant deterioration in local conditions occurring during the school day, so that the return home may become unsafe, then the Headteacher may decide to close the school. The following procedures will be followed:
- The Headteacher will register the school closure with Bucks Schoolsweb ( This information will be posted automatically on the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page ( and trigger contact with Three Counties Radio (94.7/95.5 FM or 103.8/104.5 FM).
- Parents will be contacted by text and/or email by the school. The school status will be updated on our own website (
- Staff will remain on site to supervise the children with an acceptable ratio of staff to pupils until all the children are collected.
- Parents and carers of children attending our After School Club will be contacted by text and/or email to advise of early closure of the school.
Snow Clearance
- If there is heavy snow on the ground and weather forecasts show that no more snow is expected to fall in the locality, we will attempt to clear and make safe our school playground, paths and parking areas as quickly possible. We request that there are no children on site during the clearance operation.
Failure of the school heating system
Ambient temperature at school should be comfortable for all pupils and staff. In the unlikely event of a malfunction or total failure of the heating system, the Headteacher might have to take a decision to close the school. It is understood that this is very inconvenient for everyone, but a minimum temperature is mandated by law and a decision to close the school is not taken lightly. If problems with the heating system occur, the following procedures will be followed:
- The Headteacher will register the closure of the school with Bucks Schoolsweb ( This information will be posted automatically on the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page (https// and trigger contact with Three Counties Radio (94.7/95.5 FM or 103.8/104.5 FM).
- If the failure occurs during the school day, parents will contacted by text and/or email by the school to arrange collection of their child(ren). The school status will be updated on our own website ( Staff will remain on site to supervise the children awaiting collection, with an acceptable ratio of staff to pupils.
- Information on the repairs to the heating system will be disseminated and updated via the school website as soon as possible.
Thank you for your consideration and please use our website, the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page and Three Counties Radio (94.7/95.5 FM or 103.8/104.5 FM) for information and updates. We would be grateful if you could avoid telephoning the school wherever possible. If you need to contact the school, please use email.
Links to our website and the Bucks County Council Schools - Emergency Closures page are given below.
Please stay safe!