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Little Chalfont

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Our Governors

The purpose of the Governing Body is to work in partnership with the school to provide the best possible educational experience for our pupils.


Please see the "What does the Governing Body do?" document below for more information.


Below you will find information about the Governors and their responsibilities.

Governor Roles and Responsibilities

Performance Review Governors (PRG) = Simon Barrett & Caroline Osborne.


For Complaints, HR Related and Pupil Discipline Committees, Governors who have prior knowledge or a conflict of interest or 

loyalty would not agree to join the committee. No Governor can sit on an appeal panel if they were involved in the original decision.


The full Governing Body, Resources and Pupils Committees are clerked by Jo Pearce who is employed by the school for such purposes.


Appeals panel will comprise one governor and an officer from Human Resources.



Governors Equality Objectives

The Governors at Little Chalfont Primary School aim to make our school as inclusive and equal as possible. Please take a look at the objectives which underpin our ethos. 

Governor Vacancies

We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of Governors, both parents and non-parents, who generously give their time to support the school in various capacities. These individuals play a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction of the school and contributing to its overall success.


Currently, we have an opening for a non parent Governor with specific expertise in curriculum. If you or someone you know within the local community possesses experience in these areas and is interested in becoming part of our Governing Body, please don't hesitate to contact Simon Barrett (Chair of Governors) or Mr. Hacking (Headteacher) through the school office.


Governor Meeting Minutes

Historical Governor meeting minutes are available on request.

Governor Attendance Record

Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust
