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Little Chalfont

Primary School

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Year 2 Weekly Homework

Homework is an opportunity for children to consolidate their in-school learning with the help of a trusted adult. Every week, the year two children will receive the following pieces of homework:


2. Maths

3. Spellings

Your child should be spending no more than 20 minutes per piece of homework, per week. Alongside these pieces of homework, please ensure your child is reading to a trusted adult for roughly 10 minutes everyday.


On some occasions, the maths and English homework may have an optional extension or challenge activity; this is non-compulsory, which - if completed to a high standard - will be rewarded with a dojo point or special sticker.

There will be two spelling groups for year 2 this term. If you have not received information about your child's grouping, they will be completing the aqua group spellings.